Qindle on physical vs. digital

Social media, streamers, news sites, vlogs – there is a surplus of digital content in the world right now. And with the average consumer attention span now ringing in at less than six seconds, Qindle is a strong advocate of creating physical, tactile, face-to-face human experiences. Digital content is essential for personalisation and customising brand communication, but a physical product you can actually wrap your fingers around, or an authentic face-to-face human conversations, beats a digital experience 9 out of 10 times.

Digital consumer journeys are (obviously) important for the success of your brand, but physical experiences remain invaluable. Compare consumer watching someone unbox your brand online to the actual physical experience of unboxing it themselves. Packaging can play an defining role in the omnichannel marketing strategy where a physical packaging at the centre of e-(re)tail, online (unboxing) content and activation (sampling/events/POS) activities.

The most relevant experiences today aim to get the best out of both worlds – so-called Phygital. Phygital experiences bridge physical and digital worlds, creating a unique tactile but content-driven experience for consumers.

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