The Power of Concept Cars

A conversation between an Innovation Consultant and a Senior Industrial Designer at Qindle. 

“Concept Cars are visionary, disruptive, and tangible prototypes that synthesize and embody the essence of the strategic work that we do with our clients.”


Harnessing Creativity: Qindle’s Concept Cars

At Qindle, we pivot creativity into strategic direction, steering brands toward envisioned futures. We achieve this through the creation of visionary tangible prototypes that are an integral part of the strategic work we do. We refer to them as Concept Cars. Like in the automotive world, brands often create futuristic concept cars or a ‘vision car’ to showcase their innovation. The Citroën DS X e-tense, for instance, boasts a radical design and cutting-edge features. Although, unlike anything seen on the road, the DS X e-tense served as a blueprint for upcoming models. The Renault Ez-Go takes a wider perspective and reimagines the future of shared autonomous mobility, even opening up new business models. In a similar vein, our designs are the synthesis and embodiment of the brand’s future vision, transcending ‘regular’ prototypes.

It sounds like Concept Cars are about technology, disruptive design, and strategic vision. How are these elements being balanced?

Innovation thrives at the intersection of the brand, technology, and strategy. But often, strategy can remain complex and abstract, leaving things unclear for people that are not involved That’s where Design comes in – to make a strategic vision tangible. According to a 2018 McKinsey study, companies that put design at the heart of their strategy saw a 32% increase in revenue*, showing the importance of this step. The design that we develop with our clients must strike a delicate balance between reflecting the brand’s identity while pushing boundaries to inspire. It is crucial for the technologies used in development process to embody futuristic possibilities while also being comprehensible for the end users.

Collaborating with Intel, we ventured into the next era of desktop computing, reshaping design and interaction dynamics. Our desktop Concept Cars are previews, offering a glimpse into the direction Intel is taking.


Expanding Tangibility: From physical to digital

We recognize that ‘tangible’ today has transcended the physical realm. Whether it’s a novel digital interface or a disruptive service model, our concept cars ensure that innovation remains experiential. They bridge the abstract with the palpable, ensuring our clients not only see the future but can interact with it.



x-etense / EZ-go / McKinsey