Technobis Crystallisation Systems Crystal 16


Technobis Crystallization Systems






Product Brand Strategy Industrial and UX design Strategic Product Design

Lab of the Future

Technobis Crystallization Systems

Technobis is a world-leading provider of laboratory technology for chemical synthesis, solid-state research, process development, and formulation. It helps researchers worldwide be more successful and efficient.

Technobis partnered with Qindle to deliver a new portfolio of instruments and software solutions for the Lab of the Future. This collaboration leverages Technobis’ unique technology and expertise, along with Qindle’s profound understanding of lab researchers, industry context, and the Technobis brand and business ambitions.

The Technobis instrument portfolio started with the Crystal 16, a multi-reactor crystalliser featuring integrated transmissivity technology and enhanced analytical capabilities. This was quickly followed by the Crystalline PV/RR, which combines temperature and turbidity measurements with real-time particle imaging, setting it apart in the market.

In 2024, Technobis expanded its instrument portfolio beyond crystallisation research, venturing into the broader field of chemical process research and development with the ReactALL™. This instrument empowers process chemists across various markets to successfully optimise and scale up their reaction experiments for production.

With an interdisciplinary team of brand strategists, industrial/UX designers, and engineers, Qindle delivered a design language that was leveraged throughout Technobis’s portfolio of lab instruments, software solutions, and product marketing.

Qindle created an ownable design language exclusive to Technobis, by defining a modern unibody with expressive forms that speak to their advanced unique technology. These robust forms are detailed with precise split lines that divide the surfaces depending on their function. CMF is vital for these products, not only to express their premium professional qualities but also to define the different user interaction stages. From a pristine white body, the dark split lines emphasise the service and functional activities, while the Technobis brand blue colour, in combination with premium materials, is used for the direct user interface, facilitating the daily user journey around the complex chemical processes and ensuring an efficient workstream for scientists and researchers.

Technobis and Qindle embarked on a collaborative journey, creating a unique 3D and 2D design language that seamlessly connects Technobis’ product and software portfolio, builds brand recognition in the industry, and results in growing business for Technobis.